
Tuesday 24 July 2012

Join the cause for a free TIbet


A topic which is unknown about by many or frankly not enough people give a damn. I want to raise awareness of the issues presented in this.

Tibet was occupied by China and ever since that the Chinese have forced the Buddhist holy leader the 14th Dalia Lama to live in exile in India. This has caused a stir in the Buddhist community and gives a huge amount of dissent from Buddhists to Chinese politics.

The Chinese communist politicians are exploiting the culture of the peaceful Tibetan people. They are trying to change their education guidelines and induce new policies. The Tibetan people want separation or at least a joint party between Tibet and China not just China. However the Chinese will not allow this and many Tibetans have tried to state their point. Tibetan students have set themselves on fire to demonstrate their message. But a big problem is trying to get your message across. People who express their free Tibet ideas on Chinese land have been known to be imprisoned or even killed.

A truly saddening fact is that the communist Chinese have put restrictions on what the rest of the Chinese population sees so they don't know how bad this actually is so now we need to raise awareness for everyone for the sake of the people. Its no use a few celebrity's holding a sign saying free Tibet that makes no difference to the circumstances. We need to get the world involved so now is the time to be part of something bigger than yourself and make a difference for the benefit of these human beings. Lets start a revolution. You don't have to do much but please have the decency to sign the following petition it only takes a minute. I plead of you . thank you


  1. People of the world should drop their indifference and open their eyes. The people of Tibet is being destroyed and noone is trying to find ways to prevent it.
    We are all from Tibet and we should all try to save our country.
    From Italy

  2. 5th october 1998, the arrival of the photon beam to this place of darkness. me had oil pouring from my head in the early hours of monday morning, anointed by the star beings, of which humanity is part of,
    me been tortured by mansonic torture tools to see if i was dead in chirst the master mason, bulshit, afterwards, me had anhk in pocket, me took precautions, the next day i looked at anhk, the bottom part was broken off, when me placed this anhk over the free tibet symbol, the upper part of the anhk encloses the tiben fire symbol.
    the key to opening the trap door, humanity and earth are like the virtual reality games your children in large and small babies play. legend has it the first humans on the planet climbed up of the earth through a trap door out of this universe that will allow his entry into the next level of manifested experinece. the time for that to happen is now.
    the broken part of the anhk is freedom from the miltary lion beasts,

    me seen the opening of the hall of records, me think this is awesome,
