
Sunday 27 May 2012

How to make peace

Ever since the earth began people from all over the world believed in different Gods or higher beings and that is no different today. Ever since the earth began people from all over the world have been discovering things and making leaps and bounds in the world of science and that is no different today. However ever since the Earth began humanity has not mastered peace for a huge variety of reasons. Wealth, power, religion, land, dictatorship and so many more. But religion has played a major role in warfare, from the ancient times of neanderthal tribes to the crusades to the battle of little big horn to world war 2. Without a doubt there will be wars in the future because of religion whether it be a war between two seperate countries, a rebellion or a civil war.


All religion teaches peace

All religions teach peace however, the way they teach it and their beliefs compell with other religions a prime example is christinaity and islam or hinduism and sikhism. So the problem is misunderstanding of humans. People are so scared and conservative that they will not challenge their beliefs or what their holy book or leader tells them. ( challenging a religious leader or book can be by debating, there is absolutely no need for harsh or demeaning slander we must learn to respect each others views even if it is completely opposite) So if people can't challenge their own beliefs then there is no chance that they will accept other religious views. However i do not understand how people can believe everything their holy book says considering it is thousands of years old and for many years it was just word of mouth. I find this quote from the founder of buddhism and inspirational.
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
 Personally i think if your going to follow any religion then you should go from the foundation of that quote. Religion will never be the cause of world peace because all the similarities cause too many differences. If religion was going to be to the cause of world peace then every human being would have to unite under a new religion where we would all believe the same things but that will never happen.


The entire world is at where it is today because of science. There has been good and been bad from science but we wouldn't be living like we do today without it. Before science humans were only living to 30 before they died of old age, these days we see people living to over 90. Positive outcomes have been, the wheel, fire, x rays, blood transfusion, electricity, medicine, food preservation. However for something to be seen as good there has to be bad to compare it to. Science has led to bad things and some things which are ethically wrong to some such as animal testing, nuclear warheads, H bomb, guns, fission of atoms. Science has been a cause of war but it is also the cure. When scientists can master the fusing of atoms and fuse together, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen all in one then we can make crude oil. This means the world has no need to keep digging for oil, it means the west dont have to invade the east just for oil. Nuclear powerstations would no longer be needed. But this is a long way away as we dont have the right conditions yet for such an advancement.

World Peace

Of course there are many other factors which are needed for world peace, the world needs to restore a stable economy, water purification needs to be learned to all countries, all countries need a democracy or a republic not a communism. But as far as warfare is concerned then the cause is science and religion but so is the cure. Its impossible for us all to unite under one religion thats just never going to happen, but if we learn to understand and accept each others views and not brainwash or ram religion down peoples throats then we have the foundations for compassion and love to all human beings. The other main factor is science when the people in power all over the world finally realise that money needs to be spent on science and not warfare then there is no war between west and east and we can live in peace. The very things that divide us must be the very things than bring us together.




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