
Saturday 16 June 2012

support make a wish foundation

The make a wish foundation is truly a great charity. Its aim is to provide as many children who are terminally ill with their wish. Whether it be meeting a celebrity, going to disney land or being a cop for the day. However this is a charity and so heavily relies on donations and volunteers I do donate regularly. You can donate by buying bands from shops or donate online in two ways. There is an option to donate a one off payment or to donate £5 a month. Times are tough but donating £5 a month isnt going to exactly make your stocks and shares plummet now is it. You can find out more at
Or if your looking to give your time to help then check here instead

How it all started

The Make-A-Wish Foundation was founded in 1980 after a little boy named Chris Greicius realized his heartfelt wish to become a police officer. Since its humble beginnings, the organization has blossomed into a worldwide phenomenon, reaching more than 250,000 children around the world.
Although it has become one of the world's most well-known charities, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has maintained the grassroots fulfillment of its mission.
Chris Greicius

A network of nearly 25,000 volunteers enable the Make-A-Wish Foundation to serve children with life-threatening medical conditions. Volunteers serve as wish granters, fundraisers, special events assistants and in numerous other capacities.
As the Foundation continues to mature, its mission will remain steadfast. Wish children of the past, present and future will have an opportunity to share the power of a wish®.

Since the foundation started it has granted over 200,000 wishes and continue to grant a wish every 38 minutes. To see a list of just some of the celebrities that support this charity click HERE

So do make a difference to a childs life by donating or volunteering these kids need you and only you can make a difference. I will leave you with my favourite clip of the make a wish foundation

Saturday 9 June 2012

is the 21st of december the end of the world as we know it?

I'm sure you have all heard the stories, conspiracies, rumours and theories of the 21st of December 2012 being the end of the world. There are many theories out there, some religious, some scientific and some controversial. 21st of December would already have passed if i went into detail of every theory out there so i will list a few for you to research deeper into.

1. the rise of the 4 horsemen (war, famine and i cant remember the other two names)
2. Illuminati wiping out two thirds of the earth population
3.the predictions of Nostradamus war 3
and the list goes on forever.

It is wrong to verbally bash any of these theories as no one knows what will happen and if at all anything will happen. This particular date was chosen as it is the end of the Mayan calender. When people saw that the 21st of December was the final date on the calender theories started to fly around. However Nostradamus also predicted the end on a similar date and his predictions miraculously have been correct with little error, he predicted a German named Himler would come to power his little error was Himler instead of Hitler and he predicted the rise of Napoleon. But lets focus on the Mayan calender

We must remember that the Mayan people were uneducated and quite frankly uncivilised, they told the time of day by watching the sun. I'm not quite sure but i think their theory is the fact that the sun will end. They couldn't back their point up with solid evidence. Some people have taken this whole world ending very extremely and have already began building bunkers underground with tinned food and if nothing does happen were bound to see the pointless tweets and pointless facebook statuses saying" I knew nothing was going to happen, I survived the end of the world" Really?

When the term end of the world is coming do we ever stop to think that it doesn't have to happen instantly and that it could be the beginning of the end. There may even be an event whether publicly noticed or not that happens that will begin the end. Look at the state of the world already, recession, unemployment, poverty, famine and proof that multicultural societies do not work. Are we not already at the beginning of the end. It may not be the end of an entire world  but in fact end of a certain world such as the economic world, cultural world, religious world, scientific world.

Personally i don't think the world will end in December because i have a can of beans that don't go out of date until 2015 ;)  seriously whatever does happen will be very interesting. Leave your comments below on your opinion of this.